Bullying is a problem that every parent is concerned about, but bullying problems are a special concern for the parents of autistic children. According to a report done by the Interactive Autism Network, 63% of the 1,167 children used in the report had been bullied at some point in their lives. The children in the study were aged 6 to 15, so you can see that bullying can be a problem for children in all years of K-12 education.
As a parent, there’s only so much you can do to protect your kids from bullies. The best way to help your child or teen deal with bullies is to give them the tools they need to deal with difficult situations on their own, and to also familiarize yourself with the best ways to handle modern bullies. If you keep these things in mind when you deal with your child’s bullying situation, you’ll be surprised with how simple dealing with the situation can be. Check this unsecuredloans4u.co.uk
Never Try to “Normalize” Bullying Behavior
The old saying that kids will be kids may be the most harmful attitude people can have when it comes to dealing with bullies. You may have experienced bullying as a child, but that doesn’t mean that it’s normal or acceptable for someone to antagonize your child. Also, don’t make the mistake of viewing physical aggression as the only sign of bullying behavior. Hitting, kicking, and other forms of physical behavior are bullying, but so are unkind words, teasing, and intentionally leaving someone out of activities.
Encourage Them to Tell the Right People
If your child is being bullied at school, your usual reaction would be to tell them to talk to a teacher right away. This is the right course of action, but only if they happen to tell the right teacher. Some teachers don’t handle bullying the right way, and others may blatantly ignore your child’s complaints bigcitymaids.com.houston-tx/house-cleaning-service/katy/” style=”border: none; color: #666666 ; font-weight: normal !important; text-decoration: none;”>katy cleaners at bigcitymaids.com. Is there a teacher that your child is particularly close with? Is there a teacher that has declared their classroom as a “safe zone” for people that are being bullied? If so, those are the people your child should be reaching out to.
Don’t Be Afraid to Change Schools or Classrooms
Has your child repeatedly told teachers and other administrators about their bullying problem, but you have yet to see any changes? Have you been dealing with the problem from months? Does your child experience extreme anxiety going to school or participating in activities because of bulling? If you answered yes to any of those questions, it may be time to find a new teacher or school. Any childhood autism expert like Mark Geier will tell you that sometimes it’s better for autistic children to start over in a new environment instead of continually putting them into a stressful one.