hey guys in my motovlog there wasn’t much footage of me like talking about the experience or like much footage of me off the bike I figured I would do kind of a recap video to explain things that happened and what not and how I how my experience was so basically it started out high so basically I went to an instructor course where I went to like a classroom with OPR team basically they just talked about you know your bike is gonna go where you’re looking so be sure to focus on that body positioning we’re like with flags mean and all that so it was really cool because this was my first time on a race track so it’s cool to learn that every time after a latter eye session I would meet with my instructor but like the first session we got like about five or six laps and this is the first couple laps were slow because cold tires there was one point where I looked down at the speedometer on the straightway and I was going 125 so I was freaking out they know my are my top speed of 125 miles an hour it’s so fast well turns out that’s was not my top speed after I looked at the GoPro footage what she will see in this video you’ll see what my top speed actually was I hope ninja 300 fairings
you guys enjoyed the video be sure to LIKE subscribe hit the bell and yeah [Applause] yeah she’s got some nice long hair and you noticed she’s a brat she all the boys that day first session with the bikes in the background looking good looking ready I gotta fit on my best they just go to the back better not arthas’s students pretty good out there couple areas you’re turning in a little early and we’ll try it trying to make my legs as straight as possible so it’s just less getting me because there’s like a bunch of cones it’s like a man-made turn that they did in my mind over I think the cones I’d like really want to slow down by trying to break that habit your lines are getting so good you’re doing good at setting your body up before the turns now Jabar crash it’ll just become a track only two grand for that yeah another thread nope the plague I was just selling at the end of riding season the guy in it listed for 3 grand and I showed up with 2 grand and I was like I’ll buy motorcycle fairings
it for 2 and he was like no I don’t know and his wife was like he’s selling that bike today amazing we shall see so you guys want to see mr. badasses tires first track they done and I am very sweaty and tired and it was so much fun and such a fun experience so I was so nervous but also excited yeah after the first session I was shaking I totally wish that my first reaction getting off the track was recorded I was teasing so big I was shaking from adrenaline you’ll see a little bit of my reaction over I’m coming back to the paddock I was like dancing I was jumping around at one point a blue Hayabusa went down writer he was fine so they threw the flag and we had to get off the racetrack all this sudden mr. batas comes up and just hugs me and he’s like I saw a blue bike down and I in Annapurna which was the instructors that I was with was on a hope and a prayer life so he was like I started with you and he was like I don’t want you to go out again I don’t want you to give up my liens are like I’m leaning really well I seem to need to work on is my lines I’m going more with like the flow of the track rather than trying to keep a straight line and shout out to optimum performance riders training you guys are awesome can’t wait to come back and yes I’ll be using this video [Applause] you 2006 gsxr 600 fairings