Mercury in Vaccines: There is No Safe Level
There are a number of substances and chemicals that have proven harmful and pose a threat to the health of people. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), public health officials and medical professionals have worked to safeguard individuals by eliminating or removing substances that can cause diseases and/or illness. However, parents and researchers have raised much concern regarding mercury in vaccines and its connection to illnesses.
Although flu shots are promoted as safe and effective at shielding individuals from getting sick, because of the mercury in vaccines, they can present a risk. While the FDA claims that the amount of mercury used is at a safe level, there is no safe level of any toxin. Any level of a substance, chemical or toxin injected into the body can pose a threat in many ways. Scientist David Geier has explored the use of mercury in vaccines and the effects that follow.
The Harmful Effects of Mercury in Vaccines isn’t New
The toxicity of mercury and its threat to human health is nothing new. In fact, many schools and retail stores have removed mercury-containing items such as thermometers and thermostats because the mercury inside these items poses risk. While the predominant source of mercury exposure is from amalgam dental fillings and mercury in vaccines, children are frequently exposed to mercury when it is mishandled or improperly cleaned up.
But it’s not just about mercury being toxic. We must also factor in the fact that everyone has different levels of susceptibility to its effects. Every individual has a different level of tolerance to mercury and will react differently. Yet when given the flu shot, every individual is given the same amount of mercury whether they are a fetus, infant, child, or adult. Therefore, those with stronger mercury defense systems are not likely to react in the same way as those with weaker mercury defense systems. Check locksmith dublin in nerby.
Thimerosal: mercury in vaccines
Thimerosal is a mercury-based compound that is used as preservative used in many different vaccines given to pregnant women, infants, children, and adults worldwide. Vaccine formulations come in multi-dose vials or single-dose vials. Generally, multi-dose vials of vaccine use Thimerosal as a preservative in order to prevent accidental contamination of the vial. According to the CDC, because the amount of mercury in Thimerosal is present in trace amounts, it does not pose a threat to health. The single-dose vials are created without thimerosal since they are intended to be used only once. You can get loans from
For additional information about why there is no safe level of mercury in vaccines, please watch the video above.